Friday, December 26, 2008
Merry Christmas
I will post pictures when I have more time!!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
1 Month

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Surgical Consult.
So we have to go in January 19 for some pre-op stuff but the surgery will take place on the 20th. We are waiting to get in contact with the social worker to see if there are any openings at the Ronald McDonad house that is close by. His recovery will be 7 to 10 days from the day they take the breathing tube out.
We need you to pray! Pray for the surgeons, nurses and Malachi. Pray for our family as this will be VERY difficult time. Pray for finances so that we don't have to worry about that too! We will be making a prayer card and mailing it to family and friends. If you want to be included e-mail me with your address. Thank you for all your support along the way. We look forward to the day when this is all behind us and Malachi is a Healthy little boy!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
smiles and giggles
Tomorrow we go to Rush for his surgical consultation. We will be talking to the surgons and nurses who will preform his AV canal surgery. They will give us the results of his carido cath and hopfully show us some of the pictures! We will also be able to pick the date of the surgery. We are hoping for the week after Christmas because Josh has it off from work. I will post the results tomorrow night! Please keep praying for us!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
At dinner with the extended family to celebrate Joshes HUGE accomplishment!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
making progress
I am taking peewee to get Christmas pictures tomorrow. Whish us luck, at our last photo session he didnt want to participate.He turned his hes the opposite way and refused to look at the camers! I hope tomorrow goes better.
Other than that nothing new going on in the Horton house. We are tired of the cold and ready to go on a family walk. We will have to wait a few more months for that one. Untill then we will picture palm trees and beaches! (not to mention a fruity alcoholic beverage with a little umbrella)
Monday, December 8, 2008
Last night we tried giving Malachi baby cereal. He didn't really know what to do with the spoon or the new consistancy. He didn't seem interested. Tonight we tried mixing it with a little bit of baby applesauce. He did a little better. I was told giving him a little bit of applesauce would help with his poops. Only time will tell. Anyone have any advice on feeding children with DS? Any tricks?? Let us know! We are thankful that we are learing as we go!
We also got a call from the cardio department at Rush. They set up our consultation for next week on wed. We will head to Chicago, yet again, and meet with his team of surgons and get a "plan of attack" figured out. We are thankful for the cardio staff at Rush and their eagerness to get the surgery over with.
On a side note, my hubby graduates with his Masters of Education this weekend!! We are so proud of him and all the sacrifices he made to reach his goal! I can't wait to see him walk accross the stage and get his diploma. It will be a proud momment for our family and a lesson to our son that with hard work anything is possible!! Way to go Josh!!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
the big 5 months
"Thank you for a wonderful 5 months of life baby boy! You deserve the best in life and we are confident that you will not give up until you get it! Continue to be strong and remeber to love!! You are perfect in every way and we love you to the moon and back! Happy 5 month b-day peewee!!"
Thursday, December 4, 2008
He is back to his old self today and taking to me right now as I type. I wonder what he is saying? I wonder if he likes his home?
Anyways, we should be getting a call next week to schedual a meeting with the surgons and nurses who will be doing the heart repair surgery. At this meeting we will discuss a date and get it scheduled. THe cardio nurse told me today that we should plan on at least 10 days of recovery! Yikes, that is going to be a VERY long 10 days. We are going to need visitors ( and money to eat at the hospital for 10 days! Yikes!!) to keep us sane!
I will pose pictures when I have more time!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Next on the agenda...A cardio Cath
I am home tonight...alone (josh and Malachi went to Mens group, so i could get bags packed!) and I have to admit that I miss the little guy. We spent all day together and I really enjoyed more bonding time with him. I was reflecting back over the past few weeks and can't believe all the twists and turns we have been though to get Malachi home. Although majority of it was very difficult, I would not change the journey for anything. Those struggles prepared us for what we are about to face. Open heart surgery on an infant, recovery from the surgery and even the procedure on wed will be very drianing. I can only imagine how difficult it will be to give my son over to be cut open and for his little body to go through a MAJOR oporation. But I do know that God is the great Physician and He is in control. Death is a very real possibility. Can anyone really prepare themselves for the loss of a child, I dont think so, but Christ is our strength and we trust that His ways are prefect! So please be praying for the surgeons and nurses, that God will guide their hands and lead their hearts. We pray that God will use Malachi in amazing ways, to change people and melt the coldest hearts. We pray for a positive outcome and continued guidence in our decisions. Malachi is a gift to the world, and Josh and I are better people because of Malachi!
We love you all and thank you for all of your support!!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Malachi's first week at home
Monday, November 24, 2008
Joy unspeakable
Josh has to go into work today to get subplans together for the rest of the week so i am home alone today. Which leads me to this amuzing story. Malachi eats at 6am and Josh leaves for work at 5:45 am. So he brought up a bottle and started warming it up in some hot water. When my alarm went off at 6 I woke up, went to the restroom and grabbed the bottle. I realized we were out of diapers so I went to get some more out of His bedroom. I tossed the bottle on the bed. When I came back I realized there was an empty bottle in the bed. I thought that maybe I was so tired that I put an empty one back in the bed at the 3am feeding. I began to search for the bottle that I threw into bed. Suddenly I realized that my butt was wet. Then it hit me. The empty bottle was the one in the bathroom. Woops. Everything got we. The sheets, comfortor and blankets. GREAT! So now I will be doing layndry all day to gett the nast formula smell out of our bedding. All I want to know is why Josh took the nipple off the bottle to warm it in the water?? I will laugh about it someday.
Tomorrow we are off to Chicago for Malachis Cardio appointment. THey should be able to tell us some more detials about his upcomming heart surgery. Then wed. It is back downtown to his Peds doc. Then next week he is going to have a cardio cath done. Yike, we are going to be busy. Sometime with in all of this I need to get some hours in at work too!
Well Malachi is waking up and in need of a diaper change!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Welcome home sweet baby!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Latest update
Admist the excitment of bring our peewee home there is also disappoinment and anger. THere are 2 family members that have chose to not be supportive. They don't agree with our decision to adopt Malachi and even said that it was a mistake! My first reaction to this was anger. Malachi is NOT a mistake and will NEVER be a mistake. He is a BEAUTIFUL baby who will grow up to be a wonderful man! And along the way he will touch people and change lives. As a Chrisitan I am called to love everyone in every circumstance. I am struggling with this especially towards the people who choose to not be supportive. I know we will encounter these types of people our whole life, but the fact that its family really crushes me. They are not even open to the idea, and even went as far as saying that he will be a burden! Im getting angry just talking about it! But it comes down to the fact that Malachi is our number one concern now, and if he is being treated unfairly, then we will have to seperate ourselves from them. It is not what we want to do, but to protect our child, it is what we will have to do if that cituation arises!
My sweet Malachi,
Your mom and dad love you so much! You are PERFECT, beautiful, smart, loving, strong willed and a fighter. God made you that way and remeber that He never makes mistakes. Our hope for you is that you grow up happy, loving, accepting, honest, strong, and healthy. You can be whatever you want, and accomplish whatever you want! With hard work you can do it and you will do it. God has given you something extra so that you can change the coldest of hearts. You are an assett to the world and our family! You will prove them wrong! We love to the moon and back peewee! We can't wait to bring you home!!
Love, Mommy and Daddy!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
We got to go to Malachis Dr. appointment on Wed. He was please with the weight Malachi has gained and decided that they could go ahead and schedual surgery. We don't have an exact date yet, but expect it to be done in the next 2 months. After the appointment, we went back to the home for some trainging and visiting with the little man. They told us about a staffing next week and that we needed to be there for it. They would be discussing a relase date!! WHAT? Josh and I were shocked that they were already talking about this, we were led to believe that it wouldnt be for a few more weeks. The head nure also told us that we needed to get downtown 2 more times before friday next week. So we came up with a plan. We are going to another Dr. appointment on wed so we will go visit and do some more medical training then. We have to go back on friday and have the meeting and then we have our CPR certification and the Heart moniter training. After friday we will be 100% complete with EVRYTHING! Friday is also the day we will get an exact relase date. Woo hoo. I cant believe that this is all finally over and we can start talking about a homecomming for the prince.
Speaking of homecomming, we will be having an open house once we bring him home. I know there are lots of people out there who want to meet him. Please let us know if you want to be invited.
Please keep praying. There are still a few HUGE mountians in our way and we will need strength and endurance to get us through it.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Home Study Tomorrow!!
We are also going to Malachi's doc appointment tomorrow. Josh and I both took the day off to travel to Chicago and attend him appointment at the Heart Doc. We are hoping to get many questions answered and hopfully get a better idea when his heart surgery is going to be. We are praying after the holidays!
After the Doc we are going back to the home with him to do some more of our medical training! This is another HIGE step we must complete before we can bring our little prince home.
We want you all to keep praying for us and DCFS. Pray that they process our paperwork quickly and issue our liscense. Pray for Josh and I as we prepare for the adjustment in our lives and our new roles as parents. Pray for family members who are still not supportive of our decision. Pray that Josh and I have understanding and patience with those people. Pray that Malachi will be a blessing in peoples lives and that he will continue to grow big and strong! Thank you for joining us on our journey and for those of you that have faithfully prayed for us!
I will post tomorrow night on our day with Malachi and the home visit!!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Answered Prayers
I am so excited about all the little things I will get to do with Malachi. Rocking him in a chair when he is upset, changing his diaper, feeding him, getting him dressed in the morning and tucking him in at night. I cant wait to push him in a stroller, putting his carset in the car and giving him a bath. I can't wait for him to meet his anunts, uncles and great-grandparents for the first time. I can't wait to show him to our church friends who have been so faithful in praying for us and him. He is such a lucky little boy and we are lucky to have him as our son!!
We will be planning a "Welcome Home" party for him. We hope you will all be able to come and celebrate our little prince. We love you all more than words can express and are thankful you have joined us in our journey!! You have been the trunks that held up our branches when the wind was trying to push us down. God has truly given us the best friends anyone can ask for!! We love you and can't wait to celebrate with you!!
Ps. Josh and I both have our final interviews this week and our home visit next week! Please continue to pray for us as we prepare to bring home our son!!
Monday, October 27, 2008
standing still
Monday, October 20, 2008
We had lots of fun seeing Malachi. He was VERY sleepy and had his eyes closed most of the time we were there. He did wake up when he was ready to eat! His mouth was going crazy, we knew he was a hungry boy. A few weeks ago I was informed that we can no longer feed him. We have to go through a medical training class before I can begin to feed him again. Im not sure why, but I will respect and follow the nurses rules. Malachi rarely cries. He made a few wimpers and josh and I thought it was so cute! It is getting harder and harder each week to leave. We are excited about bringing him home so we can snuggle with him all day! You might not see us very much when he does come home, we will be in our pjs snuggling with him all day!
We can't wait till you all can meet our little man. And we can't wait to show him off!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Will you be here to celebrate with us when we bring him home? We look forward to the momment we walk through the door with our son. We will be planning a "welcome home" party once we know when we will be able to bring him home!! We hope you will be here to shower him with love and kisses.
We love you Malachi and can't wait for the day when you get to come home! Your puppies are very excited to meet you too!!! Keep growing big and strong and keep fighting!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Visit number 3
My dad and mom came with us today. It was the first time my dad got to see him in person. I could tell he fell in love. He was to nervous to hold him, but he did hold him hand for a long time. My mom showered him with kisses and somthered him with baby talk. Our favorite nurse DeeDee answered some questions for us and sat to visit for a while. She is so amazing and I can't wait to bring Malachi back in 10 years to show her all he has accomplished!!
We have good news on Malachi, he is now 8lbs!!! Woo hoo. He gained 1/2 a lbs in 1 week. He is growing! Soon he will be going to the Doc time find out when he can have his AV surgery. Hopfully not till after the holidays. It was a great visit and we are planning on going back monday, Josh has the day off.
When we were done with our visit we went outside and were trying to decide where to go to lunch. Then Josh noticed the car window was down. However I KNEW i didnt leave it down. Then we realized someone had broken into our car. The took our GPS and thats all. We had the IPOD and my cell phone in there but they didn't take it. Thank goodness. They did dent the door and brake the window, there was glass everywhere! Not a good ending to our visit, but we know we can replace everything. It just might take a while to do so.
We hope you are all having a wonderful weekend.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Its time for a givaway!!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
31 for 21
Your presance is a present to the world.
You're unique and one of a kind.
Your life can be what you want it to be.
Take the days just one at a time.
Count your blessings, not you troubles.
You'll make it through whatever comes along.
Within you are so many answers.
Understand, have courage, be strong.
Don't put limits on yourself.
So many dreams are waiting to be realized.
Decisions are too important to leave to chance.
Reach for your peak, your goal. your prize.
Nothing wastes more energy thank worrying.
The longer one carries a problem the heaver it gets.
Don't take things to seriously.
Live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets.
Remember that a little love goes a long way.
Remember that a lot...goes forever.
Remember that friendships is a wise investment.
Life's treasures are people...together.
Realize that it's never to late.
Do ordinary things in an extraordinary way.
Have heath, hope and happiness.
Take time to wish upon a star.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Under Construction
31 for 21
I Believe...
I believe- that we don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change.
I believe- that no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that.
I believe- that true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance. Same goes for true love.
I believe- that you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life.
I believe- that it's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be.
I believe- that you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.
I believe- that you can keep going long after you can't.
I believe- that we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel.
I believe- that either you control your attitude or it controls you.
I believe- that regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades and there had better be something else to take its place.
I believe- that heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.
I believe- that money is a lousy way of keeping score.
I believe- that my best friend and I can do anything or nothing and have the best time.
I believe- that sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you're down, will be the ones to help you get back up.
I believe- that sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.
I believe- that just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
I believe- that maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had and what you've learned from them and less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated.
I believe- that it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others. Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.
I believe- that no matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn't stop for your grief.
I believe- that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.
I believe- that just because two people argue, it doesn't mean they don't love each other And just because they don't argue, it doesn't mean they do.
I believe- that you shouldn't be so eager to find out a secret. It could change your life forever.
I believe- that two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different.
I believe- that your life can be changed in a matter of hours by people who don't even know you. I believe- that even when you think you have no more to give, when a friend cries out to you you will find the strength to help.
I believe- that credentials on the wall do not make you a decent human being.
I believe- that the people you care about most in life are taken from you too soon.
by Unknown
I hope this will speak to you today. Is there something that really spoke to you? Let me know, Im interested to hear!!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
31 for 21
We tonight I am home alone. Josh is at the cubs playoff game in chicago. I will be going to my mom and dads for dinner. Its great that they live so close.
Sorry there is nothing spectacular to write about today. I promise tomorrow will be more entertaining!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Chicago Cubs
Our next visit with Malachi is not till next weekend. Its going to be a very long week. Tonight we will be relaxing, finally!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Hearing test...Check
We learned a little more medical information about Malachi. On wed. the told us that he has failed his hearing test. That was a HUGE dissappointment to josh and I. We talked about what kind of challanges that would bring to us and to his development. We decided that this was not an issue for us and we would continue on. This morning I got a phone call from his case worker, and they decided to give him another hearing test. Guess what? HE PASSED!!!! Yet another HUGE mountian that God choose to move. I don't know why God chose us, but I am beyond thankful!!!
I thought I would post the Down syndrome Creed online for you all to read! It is wonderfully written and something that I think the world needs to read!!
My face may be different
But my feelings the same
I laugh and I cry
And I take pride in my gains
I was sent here among you
To teach you to love
As God in the heavens
Looks down from above
To Him I'm no different
His love knows no bounds
It's those here among you
In cities and towns
That judge me by standards
That man has imparted
But this family I've chosen
Will help me get started
For I'm one of the children
So special and few
That came here to learn
The same lessons as you
That love is acceptance
It must come from the heart
We all have the same purpose
Though not the same start
The Lord gave me life
To live and embrace
And I'll do it as you do
But at my own pace
Thursday, September 25, 2008
The First Meeting
We both fell in love and can't wait to go back next weekend. My Mom and dad are comming with. I am excited to let everyone meet him!!! We were not supposed to take pictures, but we did anyway. I will not be posting any online yet. I have to get clearence and I wont get that till he is placed in our home. me and we can arrange a time so you all can see him!!! Thank you for all the prayers, and support!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
This game is not fun...and I dont want to play!
We were told some wrong information. Little Malachi has 2 case workers. Barb is with CHAA and Steph is with CPA. Barb told us that once Malachi was released from the hospital, we could visit as we wish. However we were informed last night that we need to coordinate each visit with Stephanie, his case worker at CPA. We called Stephanie last night and left a voice mail. We never heard back from her. Today (at 9:07 exactly) we call CPA and found out that she has been sick and might not be in today. Ugh. Josh and I both took today off to see the little man, and we might not be able to see him at all. Huge disappointment. We got a number for the supervisor there and left him, yet another, voice mail.
That is why I am tired of playing the voice mail game. How about you people be in your office when we call and answer the phone!!! PLEASE, for my sanity, I really need you to do this. Its not like I am asking a lot...just answer your phone...just today,then you can go back to not answering. I want to meet my son...thats all. Is that to much to ask? Answer the dang phone!!
Okay, I feel better now. So now we wait for a return call. We are only 15 mins into the wait and it seems like it is taking a Lifetime!!!!! We are trying to find things to keep us busy. I might wash the floor...vacuum or even clean windows. You know its bad when I am cleaning to keep busy! I HATE cleaning (even more than I hate people not being in their office and voice mail!). I am off. I will try to keep you all updated!
Please pray that someone calls soon...I think God is trying to teach us patience...and I don't want to learn that right now. haha
Monday, September 22, 2008
Tears of Joy!
This little baby has been through so much in his 2 short months here on earth. I can't wait to hold him in my arms and kiss his little head!! God will use him to do AMAZING things. Lives will be changed for the better just because this little boy is in the world!! I can't wait to meet our little man!
Most of our family and friends have been beyond supportive. There are still a few people who question our decision. This is a fact of life, but Josh and I KNOW this is the right thing for us. We are ready and willing to face the challanges ahead of us. And I know that God will provide our every need, so we dont worry about the "what ifs?" And I know that once those people meet this little guy, their questions will be answered and they too will fall in love!
We get to meet our son on Wed!! Please pray that his transition from the Hospital to the Childrens Place Association will be smooth. Pray that he continues to gorw big and strong. Pray for Josh and I as we prepare to welcome home the little man. And remember to praise God for our son!!
Friday, September 19, 2008
We went shopping!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
"So guys when is he comming?"
The answer is..... most likely 6-8 weeks. That is all dependant on his surgery when he can have it, his recovery...But most likely he will be around for thanksgiving!! What a wonderful gift for the holiday season!!!!
I am off to work, I will post more later!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Extra, Extra...Read all about it!!!
Thursday, September 11, 2008

What do you see when you look at this picture? The snow topped mountains? The beautiful lake reflecting back? Do you want to know what I see? I see a struggle. Last night at re:group we sang a song, this is one of my favorite worship songs because I can apply it to my life. (not sure what its called, but I will figure it out for you) At one point in the song it says "My Savior, He can move the mountains..." And last night this phrase really hit home.
Josh and I have been on the incredible journey. We feel that God as called us to become foster parents. Faithfully, we have followed Gods plan. Recently God has brought a child into our live. His name is Aurthur. Many of you have read about baby Aurthur over the last few weeks, but I wanted to tell the story for some of our new readers. Aurthur was born July 6 and at one month old only weighed 4lbs. He was born in Chicago and due to unfortunate circumstances his mom was not able to care for him and his dad is no where to be found. God chose this little boy to be special, he has Down syndrome. Aurthur was left in the hospital, alone, to get strong and hopfully his case worker would be able to find a loving family for him to go home to. Josh and I felt like sweet baby Aurthur was suppposed to come home to us. So we began getting all the information we could about Down syndrome. We wanted to be prepared and provide this little guy with every resource avaliable. A few weeks later we found out that Aurthur was not strong enough to come home from the hospital. He was and is suffering from heart failure and will need major surgery. Like many children with DS, he was not strong enough to have surgery right away. They need to get him stronger and healthier. This is not an easy task and his case worker didnt seem to have a positive outcome for this little man. Okay, now you are caught up.
Josh and I have tried calling Aurthur's case worker, but she is on vacation till monday. We have questions and want answers. Josh and I are committed to brining this child home with us is possible. I think of Aurthur struggleing in the hospital, with no family there to hold him, or give him a bottle. This is when I think of the verse in the song. This is a HUGE mountain we have to overcome, and if there is anyone who can move that mountain, its God. He is mighty and if Baby Aurthur is supposed to come home with us, he will. But we need to remember that it is in Gods timing. I am joyful when I think about the mighty power of Christ. I think about all the amazing things he has done in my own life, the mountains he has moved for me and I am confident that he will move those for aurthur too.
I am not sure who gave him his name. Josh and I have been talking about changing it if we do get the opportunity to adopt. Malichi means "His messanger" and we think it is a perfect name for this child. I think of all the people whose lives will be changed by meeting him,and I am overjoyed. I know he has changed my life, and I have never even seen a picture of him. God is good...
"My Savior, he can move the mountains...My God is mighty to save, He is mighty to save."
Monday, September 8, 2008
Say what?
This weekend my good friends and sister in law are throwing josh and I a baby shower. Its more of an Foster/Adoption shower. It is to help us get some of the stuff we will need to adopt/forster parent. I am really excited to spend time with family and friends and share the process with them. I am sure it will be a great time and a time to celebrate familes, no matter how they come together.
Keep praying for baby Arthur and for Josh and I.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
We have no news on baby Arthur. I am planning on calling the case worker tomorrow. I will write again when I get more info. Have a great rest of the week. Tomorrow Josh welcomes his students for the first time this year!! Be praying that he has a wonderful class!!!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Keep praying for baby Arthur!!! And evjoy your labor day weekend!! We will be back on monday!
A few videos
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Setting in
Even thought there are alot of things we don't know, we do know that our God can do amazing things. A few days ago I heard a song on the radio by Brandon Heath. I want to post the lyrics so that you all can read it. I want this song to be the passion of my life. Here it is...
We got a call...
Erin and Josh
Call us back already!!!!!!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Today we did nothing. We got up and went to church. That was great as usual. We came home and did some cleaning up stairs, which was long over due. Josh made Chicken and Dumplings for dinner and now we are relaxing and watching the closing ceromonies of the olympics.
Hope you all had a great weekend!! Its back to work tomorrow.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
"If the Lord calls you to something, He is going to bless you through it. He called us to take a leap of faith and give a home to this tiny orphan boy. And every single day, we reap the rewards of what God will do when you step out in faith."
This is how we feel and we havent even met the little man yet. Are you willing to step out on faith with us? Are you willing to let you heart, life and mind be transformed by this little guy? God has amazing plans for him, and will use him in amazing ways. We are confident that he will accomplish many things, it doesnt matter how big or how small they are. We are continually praying that God will protect him and give him the strenght to overcome EVERY obstacle and the He will use this little boy to do big things!
We should have more info tomorrow.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
The waiting game
Untill tomorrow we have to play the game. Good thing we have all of you waiting with us!!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
A son?
Josh and I have decided to continue on this path. We are seeing where God leads us through this opportunity. I dont have to much info for you all. We are still waiting to get the rest of his medical information, which should come either tomorrow or thursday. The case worker put our information in for background checks so that we can visit him soon. I will update again when we know more.
Josh and I both know that this will be alot of work, but we are excited to see what this little boy has in store for our lives. We are excited about the people we will get to meet and to see the lives that are going to be cahnged because of love this little boy will give. We believe that God calls special people to do special things. I am hopful that this is the start ouf our family and that we will soon have someone calling us mom and dad. Please, please, please pray for us as we have to make a HUGE decision. A decision that will not only change our lives but the lives of people around us! We cant wait to share more info with you when we get it!!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
A new turn
Some friends of ours from church told us about an e-mail they received about an infant with down syndrome. He has no mom and dad and is up for adoption. We didnt really think much of because it sounded like they were going to pursue adopting this child. Well this week a regroup they approched us and gave us the number of the lady to call. Josh and I went home and talked...alot and prayed....alot about this little boy. (he is an African American, born in july and onle 4lbs) We decided to pursue this and see where it takes us. I just got off the phone with this childs case worker and it seems like this is a real possibility for us. We are praying for Gods guidance and wisdom as we seek more information on this baby. Please pray for us over the weekend as we have a lot of talking and thinking to do. Gods ways are amazing and josh and I are prepared to turst and follow Him whatever path He brings us down. We are scared out of our minds but excited at all the possibilities.
PS. thanks for all the support from those of you at regroup last night. As we see where this turn leads us we ask that you continue to support us, as things suddenly just got more difficult.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Whats next?
So today I went to Target with a friend. We were looking at childrens clothes and we met a women and her young foster child. He was soo cute. I could tell that he had a rough life, he had a lot of scaring and scabs that were healing. I asked her how long she had the placement and she said about a week. She then proceeded to share a little of his story with me (This is a BIG no no, we are leagally not allowed to discuss this with perople). I thought I would share it all with you. I am sure you have no idea who I am talking about, so i feel safe. Anyways, she said he came from his aunts house were they didnt feed him. He only got the left overs, when there were some. My heart broke. THe only thing he drank was pop from a straw. Needless to say the child was VERY under nourished. He was 2 but only wearing size 12 months, and even that was to big. It was a very real feeling I had that this will be us in a few short months. Am I prepared emotionally? I dont know, I thought I was, but seeing this little boy just melted my heart! I am praying that God will continue to work in Josh and I and prepare us for this. I am still confident that this is what God wants us to do, but I am scared. Is that normal? I think it is, and I know that it wont be easy but I am trying to remember that God is in control and He will lead us every step of the way.
As I am sitting here writting this Josh is watching tv and the dogs are relaxing on the floor. I am reminded that this will soon end and our lives will be crazy. I get excited just thinking about it. Its a beautiful night for a walk. I can't wait to show a child the beauty in nature and that there really are good people in the world. I can't wait to give away one thing that costs nothing...LOVE.
So be praying that God grants us wil unconditional love, genuine love and love that we can freely give.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Only 1 class left!
Well it is official, we are spoiled. My mom has already brought over new clothes for the child and she just told us she bough the crib set we registered for. We are so thankful we have such a supportive family! We really wouldn't be able to do this without them. It makes me laugh to think that I was so worried about getting everything we needed. I know we will!!! Praise God for all the belssings!! Well its early and I am off to be...I have to work this weekend! Yuck!
Have a GREAT weekend and stay cool!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Only 2 more classes!!!
Good news, we finished painting the room that will belong to the child. Its so cute, I am excited to get things in it. The crib still needs to be painted as well as the dresser, but the changing table and book shelf are all done and found their place in the room.
We had an AMAZING weekend. We got to see some friends from Josh's work who are in the process of adopting from Vietnam. We celebrated families, how ever they come together. It was fun spending time with my husband and our neice and nephew. It was a late night, but definately enjoyable. Sunday we went to Chicago and saw Kooza with my ENTIRE family. My cousion and his gf flew in from Boston too. It was great to see Him since its usually only at christmas and thanksgiving. His Gf is really nice, I think they will get married. Kooza was wonderful and dinner afterward was delicious. It was another late night, but we all had a blast! We are soo blessed to both come from great families. Its definatly something we take for granted to often.
Josh has had this week off which has been nice. We have been able to get somework done and even find time to nap! He is going back to work next week to teach summer school, which is another HUGE blessing. It will be about 3 weeks of work and extra pay! Extra money is always good!
Well I hope you all are having a wonderful week!! Only a few more days then its the weekend!!! Love you all so much thank you for your support and prayers through this time!!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Class # 5 and 6
We also had our meeting with the Pastor at ECFA. It went well, I was nervous but there was nothing to be nervous about. Josh and I each got a change to share our childhoods with him. And then we explained our life together. It was good.
Josh finished his masters degree this week! I will now be able to see my husband. He is happy to be done and already looking to "whats next."
We are excited to finally have a weekend together!! Tonight we are spending time with our very best friends!!! Tomorrow we get to take our AMAZING neice and nephew and sunday we are going to Chicago to see Kooza. My aunt bought my entire family tickets for christmas, and we are finally going. After the show we are going to dinner. I am looking forward to it.
I am STILL sorting baby clothes. I will post pics soon!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Class #4
Things are moving along here at home. We are collecting more and more stuff, which is great! We registered at target and babies r us for the shower. I think like we are slowly getting prepared. We have an AMAZING collection of girl clothes 0-12 months. Boys stuff we have a good start but are still in need of some little boy stuff. Toddler clothes we have none of at least not 2t or 3t. It will come I am sure. We picked up some more toys from a freecycle member. I am planning on taking photos of all this stuff when I get my act together. Who knows when that will be. I will post more on tuesday! Hope everyone had a great weekend.
E and J
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Class number 3
We also found out that DCFS does NOT supply us with furnature or carseats. We need to be prepared for that and its our responsibility. AHHHH. Our trainer suggested a Foster to Adopt shower. And my good friend is busy planning our shower!! YEAH! Its going to be a different type of shower but we are praying that people are open to the idea. We are also praying that people are willing to open thier hearts and provide for a child. Even if its just a sippy cup and an outfit. It all helps.
Josh and I have been busy going through clothes my sister in law gave us (thanks Katie). We have been washing (they have sat in the basement in boxes for 2 years) and organizing them. Its amazing the amout of baby girl clothes we have. Its definatly a good start. I will take pictures once I get it all wased and folded. Its soo fun to wash baby clothes. Well have to get going the dryer just beeped at me, another load done!
Monday, July 14, 2008
I am so quick to worry. If you couldn't tell by last nights post. Every need in my life has been met in some way or another. There is still a ton of things we need (I actualy made a general list today and its about 2 pages long) but I believe that God will provide it all for us.
We have another meeting tomorrow, class number 3. Woo Hoo.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Welcome to the Jungle
Josh painting the night stand, it was blue but soon will be green. The changin table is in the background, its brown.
My best "Welcome to the Jungle" face, complete with claws.
Josh and his best face...his claws are way better than mine.

Here is the sheet we picked out. Isn't it cute?

Here is the best pic I could find of the quilt.
Lately we (mostly me) have been feeling...ummm...whats the best word? Hurt? We are in need of sooo much "stuff." We couldn't possible go out and purchase it all, we simply can't afford it. Think about all the stuff htat is needed for a baby. Yea, we need it all. How are we going to get it? No idea. (Thank you to all the people who have helped make this list smaller, we really dont know what we would do without you) Anways, back to why we (mostly me) are feeling hurt. I have always been a person (not to toot my own horn) who will give everything to someone in need. Weather it been money, "stuff", support or encouragement. I am often told that i put others needs before my own. Which is true in some cases. I have always felt blessed that we have never needed anything. God has always provided more than enough for us. I want to share that with others, so I give. To me it doesnt seem like a sacrifice, because I always have enough. However at this momment in time...I am in need. I(josh too) need support through friendsip and family. We need stuff for the baby that will be comming into our house soon (could be a toddler, not sure) We need boy things and girl things. Toddle things and baby things. We need to be prepared, we could get a phone call at 2 in the morning saying that they need a home for a baby right out of the hospital. We need to be ready. So at this momment in time, Josh and I are in a great need. And the more I think about it, the more I realize its not things we need for ourselfs, its things for a child. A child who didn't ask to have suckey parents, and child who doesn't deserve to be neglected. It hurts me to think more people in the world are not willing to give to them if not of thier time, at least some of their treasure. Maybe I am being selfish, i dunno. I am just frustrated that people are not more supportive through this time. I do know that God is in control and when people around us fail, he will will be there.
Call #2...Done
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Class # 1
Here is the paperwork we got tonight. The stack on the far left is homework! Yuck. The Blue binder is what we are going over in class. The other stuff are things we need to read on our own.
Here is Josh doing his homework. We just got home and he started right away, I will wait till the last min.
Me with the binders. I look happy, but inside I am worried. How in the world are we going to be able to remember all this info? AHHH....
So i am frustrated and I am going to tell you why. 2 times today I have heard people say that "she had dreams she could change the world." THe first time I heard it was at work for a lady talking about a special ed teacher who quit after less than a year of teaching. My coworker claimed that she "didn't succeed" at her job becase she thought she could change the world. Tonight as class our teacher (who is a case manager) made a comment about the turn over rate of case workers. She said that young women right out of college come in "thinking they can change the world" but quickly realize they can't. This way of thinking makes me sooooo mad, you truly have no idea. Hear me out. 1 person cannot change the world, I get that. However, 1 person CAN change the world for someone. If we all changed the world for 1 other person how much better would we all be? I think more people need to believe they can change the world, its the people who think they can't that cause those of us the believe we can to fail. So maybe we should all believe that we can change it. Perhaps then we would have a world that would give for eachother rather than just take for ourselves. To all you who believe you can change the world, keep believing. To all of you that think you can't, change your way of thinking and see what happens, think you will be surprised at the outcome!
Good night everyone... and tomorrow...I WILL change the world, even if it is just for one person!
E and J