
Monday, October 25, 2010

June Cleaver

I'll admit. I am not the most organized person in the world. So with 2011 (YIKES) quickly approaching, I figured I MUST get my house organized so that I can start my new years resolution off right. Its early to being thinking of the new year, and I'l be honest, I HATE new years resolutions. So what makes 2011 different than any other year and why am I getting a head start on my unheard of resolution? The answer is house is cluttered, my house if full of things we don't use and my house is a cause of much disorganization. I want to be a super mom with dinner on the table when Josh gets home from work. I want the house to be clean and organized for him and I want to do his laundry and put it away simply to make his life easier. I LONG to be like June Cleaver, chuckle if you must, but that woman had it together. So 2011 at our household is going to be different. It will be organized and clean with closed washed and put away, not laying on the floor in the laundry room, dinner will be on the table at least 2 nights a week when josh gets home and the weekends will be free of laundry and cleaning, we will have all the time in the world to be together as a family, no chores, just fun. Ahhh..I cant wait. I will take pictures as we progress through our house, cleaning and organizing each room. I would take before pictures, but Im not that brave! hehe

Wish me luck!

Good will bag total: 5 (just clothes from our bed room we are getting rid of, the down fall of a large closet, you can fit more clothes in than you can ever wear!)


ch said...

I'm up to my neck in the same situation. :0)

~ Teresa ~ said...
I have used this system in the past and it is just so painless! If you use her system, your house will be clutter free in no time! (as clutter free as it can be with two little ones in the house that is!)

Kristin said...

Good luck! Be sure and post any tips for us cleaning slackers reading your blog :)
going to check out flylady right now!

Tara said...

I bought a book a few months ago called, "The House That Cleans Itself". It's fantastic...probably more so if one actually implements the ideas! :) One particularly messy day, my husband saw the book lying on the floor and just started laughing. Sigh. :)

Lacey said...

Thats what I need to do! I wish you luck!!

Unknown said...

I am a bad wife....hahahahahahaha, heres why. I told Eric he has to do his own laundry because he doesn't like how I fold his clothes, or he doesn't like how I do the Laundry in the first place... you are super mom/wife for just wanting to do these things for your husband and kids!