
Saturday, February 21, 2009

Maybe today

We are still waiting for the doc to come in and let us know if we can go home today. Peeweee is doing GREAT!! He is getting all his meds PO now (by mouth, not IV) and he is taking them well. I dont remember if I said this in the last post or not, but he is off the sodium, all his levels looked good. He is eating great and peeing (at least after he gets his Lasix). His oxygen saturation is between 95 and 100 and his respiration's have been down too! We are keeping our fingers crossed that today is the day we can leave this place for good! (for all of you wondering, we have liked all of our nurses! ha)

I hope my next post is from home!


Lacey said...

Hoping and praying that your next post is from home!!

Anonymous said...

thinking of you all and prayers that you're next post is from home and that you are home to stay for a lil bit longer...hugs!