
Monday, November 23, 2009

Not again!

Malachi and I woke up super early and headed into the American Family Hospital in Madison, WI today. Our mission? To figure out why Malachi can't pass a hearing test. We had a meeting with the audiologist first. Their determination? Fluid. She did make a comment about never seeing a charcoal colored tube before this bit of information will become important later in the story. She told me that before we could do anything we need to get his ears cleared first. We were then taken to a exam room and waited to see the new ENT. He came in and had a little look in Malachi's ears. His determination? Both tubes are fully blocked, and one is out of place and resting on his ear drum. I instantly became pissed, just 2 weeks ago we were at his normal ENT and he said everything was perfect, they were fully open and even commented me on how well we were doing at keeping his ears clean and dry. Is it reasonable to expect that in 2 weeks things could have taken a complete 180? Dr. M (the new ENT) thinks not, and believes its been like this for some time. The old ENT will be hearing from me, and I can guarantee they will not be nice sounds. Oh and the reason the audiologist has never seen charcoal colored tubes? Well thats because they don't make charcoal colored tubes, that was just the amount of junk backed up in my poor sons ear.

So frustrated.

We then discussed the amount of snoring Malachi does and Dr. M said "then lets take out the adenoids!" I got more accomplished in the 1 hours I was there then in the entire year Malachi has been seeing Dr. F (the old ENT).

The Plan.

We will be going back to Madison (Dr. M is our new PERMANENT ENT) and Malachi will have new tubes put in and his adenoids taken out! Dr. M is also going to look at his tonsils and if he thinks they need to come out, he will just do it while Malachi is already under. Dr. M is amazing, simply amazing.

Sometime in the near future (before Christmas) we will be back up in Madision checking into same day surgery and handing Malachi over to be put to sleep where he will get some new equipment and have some useless equipment removed. Not again.

Being that it is so close to Thanksgiving I decided to end this post with some thankful thoughts. I am thankful for Malachi and all his medical complications, each one has given me a chance to show Christs love to nurses, doctors and support staff. I am thankful for skillful surgeons and nurses who have all placed their loving hands on our sweet boy. I am thankful that we live in a country where some of the best doctors practice. I am thankful that Malachi's medical needs have been taken care of one way or another.



Lacey said...

I'm glad you got a good doctor. You give that doctor a piece of your mind. Our kids deserve the best.

Kristin said...

Ugh. We have yet to see an ENT. I don't know if we need to, but it seems like everyone else has one! Good luck.

Emily said...

We have yet to see an ENT too. Wondering if we should...
So glad you found someone fabulous!