
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Im this many...

       We can hardly believe another year has passed!! Your life thus far has been nothing short of a miracle and your dad and I are so proud. We love your smile, your giggles and the way you pose to have your picture taken. We love that you are stubborn and that you let nothing stand in your way. We love the joy you bring to each person you meet and love you set upon their hearts. We love that you have no idea just how special you are or that you are changing the world with your gentle presence. We love how you splash in the bathtub and how you sign along to the itsy bitsy spider. We love how you wobble across the floor in an attempt to walk. We love how you throw your arms around our neck when we ask for a squeeze. We love everything about you!! Thank you for teaching us unconditional, self sacrificing love. We can't wait to see what the next year holds!!! Keep fighting our little peewee!!

Love Mommy and Daddy!
Happy 2nd Birthday Malachi!!

Today we are celebrating all things Malachi. I cant believe he is 2! This year he has learned about 25 new signs, how to crawl, pull to stand, cruise, walk independently, stack toys, draw, do lacing beads, puzzles, put things in and take them out. His brain is a sponge and he soaks in all that we say and do. He is growing way to fast...Praying for a marvelous year!!!


Kristin said...

Happy birthday little prince!

larag1028 said...

Happy Birthday sweet Malachi! You are a very special little boy. Your parents & your baby brother are so blessed to have you! I hope you have a great day!

ParkerMama said...

Your boys are beautiful! May that marvelous year come true!

Tammy and Parker
@ParkerMama on Twitter