
Thursday, February 11, 2010

At it again

Houdini has done it again!! Eli has pulled his NG tube out 3 times in the past 24 hours. I (yes me) have re-inserted it each time successfully but I am getting tired of it. So, Houdini, please hear my cry leave the tube in OR drink you milk from bottle. I would prefer the latter of the two, and just think, no tube means no mitts. Your little hands could be free to explore all the wondrous textures around you, and they could even sneak into the sweet little mouth of yours. A tape free face, mitt free hands and the joys of fulfilling your hunger by sipping sweet nectar from a's almost to good to be true....


Thirty-something said...

It was quite by chance I got to your blog through another blog , and I loved reading through it . Thank you for sharing .

Lacey said...

Oh I so remember putting NG's back in Jax several times a day. Those little stinkers are definitely houdini!

Tara said...

Wow! Your amazing! Just thinking about reinserting an NG tube makes me queasy.

Little Liam said...

I hate NG tubes too! We should start a club! To answer your question, Liam has had his NG since a few days after he was born. He was not a good eater and hastily (or so I think) the decision was made to put it in. He had OHS and they were afraid he was aspirating so took him off oral feeds for months. I have been there-us putting it in-him pulling it out. I use socks to cover his hands at night and we use "mepitac" (special ordered tape for super sensitive skin) to keep it in place. When he pulls it out-I let it stay out for a bit. I figure it's his way of telling me he wants it out. Now if only he could prove to me with eating it could STAY out!!

Hang in there-let me know if you find new tricks to get these boys eating!

Alan Anderson said...

I remember those days as well - guess you will just have to convince him that it is much better to drink from a bottle than a tube. He is darling!

Kristin said...

Ooh - good luck!