
Thursday, October 22, 2009

I talked to our Service coordinator today about ST. She is going to call around, but she thinks she can find someone who will be willing to come to the house. She said she was going to call the lady and then call me back tomorrow. Then she had the nerve to tell me "don't worry Erin, we will get this figured out." You are damn right we will get this figured out and it will be figured out sooner rather than later. Malachi had DT and OT today at the same time, we discussed the feeding issues with Malachi and how they can't move forward with fine moter skills until he can eat since that is one of the major ways they work on it. Malachi's case worker (because he is still a ward of the state) was there visiting at the same time. She was able to take some notes and said she was going to make a call to the head Educational Liaison at the agency. He is the one who made the last call to Early Intervention and got our first service coordinator fired for breaking some laws. He doesn't mess around.Ah, he is my hero. I will be sure to keep you all updated on the drama that is my life.

Malachi sitting on the infield at Wrigley, home of the Chicago Cubs. My husband is a die hard Cubs fan so we surprised him with a tour of Wrigley Field. This is a memory that will last a lifetime!


Emily said...

Darling picture! Yes... the drama we have to go through. It's nuts. Keep us posted for sure!

Lacey said...

Wow, my hubby's been to Wrigley once and he said its so cool.

Cammie Heflin said...

I just want to cuddle him! He is so beautiful!